Thursday, April 21, 2011

We are killing our Kids! Part 2

So.....How do we fix it?  I have two simple ideas/concepts that I think could take a big chunk out of the problem, and the child for that matter.  If used by parents, I do not see how improvements in your child's health and fitness level won't improve.  First off, teach them to cook.
1.  The chef method
Ok so your kid, or kids, have been eating crap lately, and now they are starting to look and feel terrible.  Here is a way to trick you and them into having healthier and more well rounded meals.  Learn to cook.  Maybe you know your way around the kitchen pretty well, but chances are your child doesn't.  It does not matter how old they are, if they are real young, just make them an assistant instead of the lead chef, but otherwise, walk them through the process of cooking.  What will this do you ask?  A couple of things, but lets start with the big one.  People who cook for themselves eat better.  It is really that simple.  If your cooking it, then I can guarantee a few of things.  

  • It did not come from a drive thru.  
  • It did not come from a gas station.  
  • You spent some calories shopping for the groceries, fetching them from the pantry, and whipping them into a meal   
It is not easy to go into the kitchen and make Doritos, or doughnuts, or ice cream.  Much easier would be chicken, white rice, and a vegetable, or a steak wrap and salad.  If you made it from scratch, you know exactly what is in it, and chances are it is way healthier than the alternative. The second major benefit to teaching you and your children to cook, is your are ingraining in your children that food comes from the kitchen, made with ingredients from the pantry and fridge.  Which is one million times better than teaching them that food comes from that horrible place with golden arches, or from pizza boxes, or from endless buffet's.
2.  The game method
Alright so you now have your children, and yourself, eating better.  However, they still move like an elderly walrus.  From here on out, make a point to teach your kid, or kids a new game every week.  Week 1-basketball, Week 2-kickball, Week 3-dodgeball, Week 4- Freeze tag, etc......  There are tons of games out there, and when you run out, 6 years from now, start over.  If you spend anywhere between 45 minutes- 1 1/2 hours a day learning and playing new games, you are going to be pretty fit and healthy.  Obviously you are not going to turn your kid into Michael Jordan in one week, so don't focus on them having perfect form or flawless fundamentals.  Praise there successes and focus of stressing participation and having fun.  To learn a new game, you have to pay attention, focus, move, react, and play.  All good things!  If you are doing this, I see no way your kid will be overweight and unhealthy.  F.Y.I. you are going to get healthier too.

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