Saturday, April 9, 2011

We are killing our Kids! Part 1

   Everyone is comfortable with our adult obesity problem.  We know why and how people become so overweight, and what has to be done to change it.  No surprises there, however, our newest and scariest problem scares the crap out of me, and fixing it may be next to impossible 15 years down the line.
   Children are bigger and unhealthier than ever.  They don't play sports, they don't eat plants, they don't drink water, they have no clue what real food is, and worst of all...they don't even know that something is wrong with that!  Parents all over they country are killing their children, not with beatings, or poison, or weapons.  They are killing them with food.  Compounding bad eating habits with lack of exercise and creating an entire generation of inactive, obese children that will not be able to run, fight, or even walk a mile without becoming short of breath.  So what is the penalty for killing your children with food?  What kind of jail time results from this crime?  When does social services step in?  How about NEVER.  You don't go to jail.  They don't take your kids away.  Nothing happens.  Nothing happens, except you submit your child to a lifetime of being teased and picked on.  You make sure your kid gets picked last for everything on the playground.  You nearly guarantee early onset diabetes, depression, and heart problems.  And worst of all, you may outlive your children.  Experts are now predicting that this generation of parents may actually outlive their children for the first time ever in the modern world!

1 comment:

  1. You are exactly right, and it's sick. You should see the crap that parents send to school with their kids for lunches and snacks! Furthermore, you should see the crap that the cafeteria's serve these kids that is supposed to be "healthy". It's disgusting and sad because these kids have very little control over what food is in their homes, so they can't even make the good decisions that are taught to them at school...
