Friday, April 8, 2011

Make a Goal and stick to it!

   So many people have trouble with the principle of goal setting.  I don't know why exactly, but it must have something to do with the fact that on the internet we can look at 10 things at once, and on tv we can flip between 100's of different channels.  No matter what it is, you will never have success until you have a clear cut goal.
   Far too many people come to me, or any other trainer for that matter and say "I want to add about 10 pounds of muscle and lose about 20 pounds of fat" I reply "Which one first?" client says "Both"  And here we have our first problem.  I guess it is because every other commercial we see promises "build muscle and burn fat" and now we think that is an easy thing to do.  Well, it is not.  To build a ton of muscle( 10 pounds is a ton) you need to rest a lot, eat a lot(healthy foods) and avoid most activities other than your training sessions.  To burn fat you need to restrict calories, get up early to go for walks, and play or participate in every activity that crosses your path.  Do you see my problem here?  That is not to say that you will not lose some fat during a muscle building program, and you may build a small amount of muscle during a fat loss program, but doing both, quite tough!
    So, if you really want to meet your goals, set realistic ones! Write down, I will lose 10 pounds of fat!  After you meet that goal, find a new one.  You could add 10 pounds of muscle.  If the first goal takes 2 months and the second takes 4 months, then in just half a year you have taken care of both of your goals, but you did it in a more focused and effective way.
   When you have a focused goal, you can find ways to keep it front and center in your life.  In other words, you will find ways to remind yourself.  "I want to lose fat" I shouldn't stop and eat at the Cici's  buffet.  Your goal is clear and you know that Cici's will not get you to your goal.  Good things will happen when you know exactly what you are shooting for.

If you have any questions about goal setting, or need help achieving your goal then contact me at  Kepley Faster Fitness and I will help you in any way I can.
Chase Kepley

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