Tuesday, March 15, 2011

But I don't have time.....

    I would like to work out, but I just don't have the time.  I hear it all the time, and I do not think it is completely bull.  People today are busier than they have ever been.  We are constantly plugged in or connected and more information means more responsibilities.  So you are not crazy if you feel squeezed for time.  The problem may still be avoidable though.  I feel like the idea of getting a workout in has a foggy interpretation these days.  By that I mean, when you think "work out" what do you picture?
   For me, tons of things qualify.  However, too many people just imagined changing clothes, buying a gatorade, a 10-15 minute drive to the gym, waiting on their favorite machine or bench, and then spending the next 60 minutes trying not to get caught staring at hot girls/guys through the huge mirror wall, then of course the expensive protein shake, and the drive home accompanied by a shower.  So how long did that take?  2 hours, if your drive is longer, maybe more?  We thats where you may be messing up.  Too many people have the idea that, if I don't have the 2 hours available for that, then I don't have time to workout at all.  Well, thats wrong, and now your bathing suit is not going to fit because of it.  So here are a few ideas of things that will total 30 minutes or less, and still give you some great results on those days when you just don't have time.  We all know facebook statuses don't update themselves!
     1. Walk-it sounds simple, but it will do a ton more than doing nothing.  Grab the dog and go for a walk. Walk as fast as you are comfortable walking for as long as you have time to. It is nice just to get outside and you will benefit, so will the dog.
     2. Exercise deck-pick 2 exercises, example (pushups and pullups) or (situps and weightless squats) then grab a deck of cards, shuffle and pick one off the top. 9 of clubs? Do 9 of the first exercise. then grab another a do what it says, alternating exercises, until you can't go any longer.
     3. 1 Lift-Pick one lift, please don't pick bench press. Pick a big movement, Squat, deadlift, lunges, or pullups, and then do just that for the entire workout.  You will be suprised how hard you can work on just one lift.

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