Friday, March 25, 2011

Big Rocks

Too many people try to make training too complicated.  They seem to think that super strong people, got that way by knowing something they don't, or that there is a certain exercise that got a person that six pack, rather than hard work.  Maybe it's that our subconscious that wants to avoid hard work.  Im not sure what it is, but what I do know, is that training is not complicated.
There is a theory called the big rocks theory.  I will link to it for those of you who are interested, you should read it!
Anyway, for you lazy people.  The theory boils down to, if you don't take care of the big rocks first, you will never get them in.  Big rocks, in this instance, means big lifts.  Squat, dead lift, pull ups, pushups.  These are not complicated.  There is no secret to pushups or squats.  Just do these things and good things will happen.  Start every workout with one of these, and then at the end, do your sit ups, do your curls, or whatever it is that you like, but big rocks first!
Sorry this was brief, but try to apply it and you will like the results.

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